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Various articles from industry experts

Drench Mate

The Drench-Mate is a unique, high-quality system specifically designed for pumping fluids into ruminants...Click Here to download the full article

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Good Hygiene – Cid Lines

Mastitis is the costliest disease for dairy producers. As it is a multifactor  pathology, mastitis control requires a complete management programme. By following certain measures on milk and milking hygiene, it is possible to achieve a low level of mastitis on the...

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Urban Kalfvoersisteme deur Jannic Zietsman

Melkboerderye is besig om al groter te word namate boere die meeste maak van ekonomieë van skaal. Versgrootmaak het ’n kuns geword wat deesdae baie tyd en aandag verg. Dit word ook arbeidsintensief, wat oor naweke en vakansiedae ’n probleem mag veroorsaak. Click Here...

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